As a general rule, this is a good time to begin fertilizing your
houseplants. They're emerging from their winter doldrums and putting
out new growth, and a nice spring tonic will get them off to a good
start. But in many cases, fertilizer isn't all they need: It might be
time for them to step up to a bigger pot. Repotting your houseplants
allows you to add fresh, new soil to their environment. It also gives
them a chance to spread their roots in roomier surroundings if they've
become root-bound.

When you decide to repot a plant, you should generally go just one
pot-size larger. Start by putting a couple of inches of fresh potting
soil in the bottom. Then, gently untangle the plant's roots, if
they're snarled up. If they're too compacted to untangle, take a knife
and score them, then carefully tug them apart a bit. Now, place the
plant in its new pot and pour in as much additional soil as necessary
to fill it up. Water thoroughly, and then treat the plant as you
normally would.


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