Power is a skilled-related factor of physical fitness. It's the ability to perform strength movements at a rapid pace. Strength and speed are both involved in power. Physical activities that require power are baseball, basketball, football, gymnastics, judo, karate, rowing, and cross-country skiing. The standing long jump is a test for power. To do this test, you'll need a line on the floor, a tape measure, and a partner. The test is as follows:

First, stand with both feet behind the starting line on the floor. Swing the arms forward, and jump as far as possible with both feet together. Do not run or hop before you jump. Have your partner measure from the starting line to the nearest point where any part of your body touched the floor during the landing. Try the test twice--your best score counts. 

Scoring: Men: Excellent--87 inches or more, Good--80 to 86 inches, Fair--70 to 79 inches, Poor--below 69 inches. Women: Excellent--74 inches or more, Good--66 to 73 inches, Fair--8 to 65 inches, Poor--below 57 inches.


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