Lawn Disease Control Diseases in lawns are generally a result of many factors. The overall condition of the lawn (presence of weeds and thatch), the care it has received (watering, mowing and feeding) and weather conditions (excessive rainfall, drought, temperature) all enter into the picture. There are a variety of methods gardeners use to deal with lawn diseases, prevention being the easiest. Don't provide a good environment for diseases to develop, and they usually won't. Fusarium blight syndrome, dollar spot, leaf spot and brown patch are common lawn diseases and are caused by fungi. Brown to yellow patches of varying shapes and sizes are generally signs of lawn disease. When looking closer at grass blades, you may see tan to brown spots or sections. If you suspect a disease has invaded your lawn, bring a sample of the area to your garden supplier. An expert will be happy to diagnose the problem for you. Diseases can be kept under control simply by limiting the time grass blades are wet and by practicing proper lawn maintenance. Fertilize correctly. The amount of nitrogen the grass receives is a large factor in lawn disease control. Too much or too little nitrogen stresses grass plants, making them a target for fungi. Leaf spot is encouraged by excess nitrogen in spring. Dollar spot is frequently present when lawns are hungry for nitrogen. Sometimes, a great remedy is to re-seed or overseed the lawn with grasses more resistant to the disease. Add in resistant varieties of perennial ryegress or Kentucky bluegress to reduce the chance of disease. Sometimes additional measures must be taken if diseases invade your lawn. Fungicides can be used to control and/or prevent a wide range of lawn diseases. Both liquid concentrate and ready-to-use granular forms are available .