To reduce the stress caused to lawns by mowing, make sure your lawn mower’s blade is always perfectly sharp. It will need to be resharpened after 24 hours of use at the very least. A sharp blade is vital, since a dull one tears off the top part of the lawn grass’s leaf instead of cutting it neatly, thus leaving the lawn more sensitive to drought and disease.

Autumn Lawn Care Secrets By Larry Hodgson

The lawn is a fragile environment that is readily invaded by weeds, insects, and diseases if it is not properly maintained.

Aerating and top-dressing are essential steps in maintaining a healthy lawn. Both can be carried out whenever the soil is relatively dry, usually in mid-spring or early to mid fall.

Start by using a mechanical aerator to extract tiny cores of soil in order to let the air circulate within the soil. Aeration is only necessary every three to four years and, even then, only when the soil is highly compacted.

After aerating, use a leaf rake to remove the soil cores from the surface of the lawn. By raking thoroughly, you can also eliminate any built-up thatch, further heightening the effect of the aeration.


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